Cavitations and Acoustic streaming are the main forces of the energy transformation of the interaction of high power ultrasound with fluids. The technology is widely utilized in surface cleaning of critical components used in different industries. 

The technology has evolved throughout the past four decades. Different frequencies were developed for high power ultrasound . Frequency range is from 20 kHz to one MHz.  The current  technology provides a uniform ultrasonic forces across a liquid in a vessel, which is a major advantage  over the earlier technology.

Cavitations and Acoustic streaming are generated in the same fluid but at different intensities.  Typically, cavitations with high intensity are formed  at low frequencies. The opposite is true for acoustic streaming.

High power ultrasound is used in many  industrial applications such as general and precision cleaning, plastic welding, sono-chemistry, spray drying, emulsification, degassing, flavor extractions, homogenization, meat tenderization and removal of bio-contaminants. Ultrahigh frequency ultrasound (Megasonics) with moderate to very low power, is being used in sonar, therapeutic and medical diagnostics and other applications.

Principles of Ultrasonic Precision Cleaning Technology


1. Ultrasonic Cavitations and Precision Cleaning, by: Sami B Awad....

2. Determination of Residual Particles on Surfaces, Sami B. Awad

3. Ultrasonic Cleaning of Medical / Pharmaceutical Devices and Equipment, Sami B. Awad

4. Ultrasonic Cleaning and Surface Finishing, Sami B. Awad

5. Aqueous Ultrasonic Cleaning and Corrosion Protection of Steel Components, Sami B. Awad

6. High Power Ultrasound in Surface Cleaning and Decontamination, Sami B. Awad

7.  IPC-SC-60A Standard : Post Solder Solvent Cleaning Handbook, Sami B. Awad, Solvent Cleaning Task Group, 1999.


Other Readings:

Ultrasonic Cleaning Mechanism, Sami B. Awad,  Handbook for critical cleaning, Editors: Barbara Kanegsberg, Edward Kanegsberg, ,  p. 217 - 227, 2001.  

APPLICATION OF HOT-MELT INK JET PROCESSES  http://www.qucosade/fileadmin/data/qucosa/documents/4773/data/kader.pdf


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